Tag Archives: tech-office
Award winning architect Frank Gehry visions Facebook's new West Campus Building in Menlo Park







Another fabulously fun office space for the web gurus at Google; London based HQ gets a boom of British pride.
We line up the top ten tech offices from around the world! Cool workplace design wizardry.
An office space to tweet about! Fun new workplace decor worthy of the Twitterati...
Seattle based Microsoft 'office of the future', Building 4, holds free flowing creativity zones, impromptu meeting places, and fun...
Cool new Briefing Center at Switzerland based Microsoft office building, featuring banks of integrated screens and bespoke furnitu...
Google's London Offices have revamped engineering floor 'L4', with futuristic hallways, meeting rooms housing huge sofas, games ro...
An office designed by Morgan Povell, that resembles a home.
Office interiors of web hosting company Dreamhost.
eBay prototype offices have been implemented in two of the company's campuses nation-wide in an effort to design a more cost and w...
A Swiss design firm designs Google's Russia offices.
AOL receives a design transformation in line with company personality from Studio O + A.
Jobs confirms the rumors of Apple and Norman Foster Architects recently collaborating on a future project by announcing plans for ...
Pictures of Skype's office interior spaces in Stockholm
Cheerful and fun offices of Belkin designe dby
Skype renovated their headquarters in the Bay area in an industrial style. The result was an efficient and productive workspace
Pictures and video walkthrough of tech company Yelp's office.
Google office spacePictures of Google's office in Pittsburgh which is the result of an extreme makeover of a 100 year old biscuit factory.
tumblr office interior pictureInteriors of micro blogging site Tumblr's new office space in Richmond, Virginia
Wikileaks hosts its servers with Barnhof, a Swedish company, which has built its offices in a nuclear bomb shelter!
Yandex offices created by Za Bor Architects offer interesting focal points and perspectives throughout the internet company's offi...
A very unconventional office space built out of a bomb shelter in Stockholm.
Stunning wall arts created by Google employees around the world
Beautiful and creative offices of the technology startup Twitter

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