With the increasing digitization of literature, the need for space-consuming bookcases has diminished. It is indeed, not difficult to conceive of a future wherein paperbacks and hardcovers are to be found only in libraries, which will be held in similar regard to museums. A somewhat melancholy thought perhaps, but a few select, beautifully bound classics will always take pride of place in the homes of those who love to read but cannot afford to sacrifice space to a personal library. The majority of images to follow demonstrate the same space-sensitive principle by wall-mounting shelves so not to encroach on a limited floor area. The choice of materials varies from the organic to the industrial, but in keeping with a modern finish, are linear and lightweight.

These rubber fixtures are deceptively functional. Not only does the rubber perfectly convey the element of fun, inherent in modern design, but expands to accommodate more items and presumably prevents that occasional 'bump in the night,' that sometimes comes with more precarious shelving.

Though the contrast between ancient leather-bound literature and semi-industrial, modern shelving makes for an intriguing combination, shelving such as that which is displayed here, can be repurposed to accommodate all manner of things, not least of which are CDs and DVDs. It lends itself to those objects that are lightweight, but given the increasing computerization of study, there is no reason as to why stylish display choices such as these could not meet the demands of a university student, be adapted to the room of an adolescent, or even, inhabit an office.