We all like the idea of luxury. But while there may be a certain style of interior design that evokes the word, isn't true luxury just being able to create the space you want? Just because you can afford those trappings of generic luxury like gold accessories and expansive kitchens does not mean that such a design will feel like luxury to you. For the two homes featured here, there are certainly common indicators of a sumptuous design, including lush fabrics and of course, the stunning reflective warmth of copper accents, but there is also a clear focus on the importance of comfort, which is what makes any home a truly luxurious experience.

While this post exists to call attention to copper accents, in this first home it is virtually impossible to ignore the metal's impact .

A copper accent wall not only feel luxurious, but also reflects a muted light that's quite flattering for all surrounding objects.

The texture of the copper wall is also worth mentioning as an attention to mixed textures is evident throughout the space.

Nestled between pieces of a plush sectional, a Swiss cheese plant makes for an ideal indoor plant for this luxury space.

The home feels quite open, largely in part thanks to the glass wall that separates the main living area from the bedroom.

For instance, the dark kitchen bar stools have a mid-century style but still feel quite current.

A small caramel-colored bench near the entryway is a perfect perch for removing your shoes and acts as a lovely accessory otherwise.

In the bedroom a bit more decadent color comes into play with this luscious red floor bed design.

Copper comes through into the bedroom as well in the form of bedroom pendant lights while a bright bedside table lamp gives off a bit more glow.

The glass wall allows light to filter in from the living room windows and onto the warm, light flooring.

The bathroom feels quite sleek, from black toilet to simple toilet paper holder, without some of the opulence you might expect in a luxury bath.

The second home featured is a bit more subdued in some ways, but still makes beautiful work of its copper accents.

For example, the unique coffee tables that are rimmed in reflective copper are very eye-catching.

Marble end tables that tuck around the couch are both convenient and stylish.

The neutral tones in the furniture ensure that the copper accents do not become garish or overwhelming.

This expansive home allows for the unique floor lampsto take advantage of the copper theme but if you are low on floor spacecopper desk lamps would work fine too.

What could be more luxurious that a stylish and comfortable reading seat, nestled up next to a floor reading lamp?

The minimalist kitchen is so minimalist, it's almost difficult to tell it's a kitchen at all.

Black marble counters and suspended copper light fixtures make it look more like a bar from the 1980s than a modern kitchen, but in a good way.

In the corner, a white planter houses a glamorous Fiddle Leaf Fig.

The stunning wine holders in the private wine storage area do not help distinguish the kitchen from a bar.

Moving into the home's private space, a brown leather accent chair makes itself known in the bedroom.

A cactus theme does its best to make the bedroom not-so-inviting, but the copper planters seem to beg to be touched.

Pendant lighting is a natural choice for this dark bedroom.