Bold wallpaper can inspire new worlds to be created within your own home. They can take us to the tropics, to misty mountain tops, or exotic aviaries. This collection of fabulous statement wallpapers by Wonderwall Studio are high-end and highly creative, with large-format mural wallcoverings and expertly hand-painted designs, bedrooms and living spaces may never be the same again. It’s also possible to personally configure these luxurious wallpaper designs to a size that fits your feature wall perfectly. The scale of the graphic can be adjusted, enabling you to zoom in on your favourite part of the image and even change the colour tone to suit a specific decor palette.

The bespoke mural. This wallcovering has been customised to fit the length of the room with repeating background colour and pattern. A yellow ochre sofa perfectly complements the rich tone of the piece.

Bright colour and bold birds. This amazing example of art wallpaper has extraordinary power in a small lounge space. Despite the compact physical proportions of the room, it appears larger than life.

Peaceful pastel shades. This beautiful wallpaper seems like a moment of emotional expression, winding gracefully above a modern living room with delicate pink and lilac accents. Natural wood elements ground the sweet decor palette.

Frolicking in floral fields. Hand-painted pink flowers in a field make a whimsical background to accompany an eye-catching Origami Bird pendant light.

Cascading botanicals shower a formal living room with a romantic mood.

Enormous florals and illustrated fan folds dramatically partner a channel tufted sofa design. The hue of this magnificent wallpaper mural has been tweaked to perfectly complement the sofa’s rosy upholstery.

Multicoloured wallpaper can work as the integral piece that brings a layered room palette together. This Purple and green wallpaper ties together shades from a modern purple sofa and a contrasting green pouf.

Embolden intricate boiserie with a wallpapered background.

Underrated seating areas gain grandeur from scenic wallpaper, which draws exquisite detail all the way up to the ceiling line.

Illustrate living spaces as a fairytale forest. This arched mirror is framed stunningly by painted branches, as if it were a gateway into an enchanted garden.

Going grey? No need to keep walls plain for a contemporary concrete decor scheme - not when you could have flamingos.

wallpapers provide a mysterious depth that distorts room dimensions.

Lazy days amongst the lily pads. This green and curvey sofa design makes a merry partnership with wallpaper that depicts a pond of water lilies. The soft, rounded green sofa looks just like a giant lily pad itself. Round, green decorative trays on the coffee table continue the theme.

Here, another curved sofa is teamed with a subtle yet detailed tile wallpaper, dappled with a gold leaf effect.

Grow your statement piece. A small sofa gains huge impact from an explosion of jungle plants that are depicted on botanical wallpaper behind it.

Use muted hues to balance a bright hero piece. This brilliant teal sofa is partially neutralised by a brown wallpaper print, which is intriguingly reminiscent of traditional wood carvings.

Blooming with blossom and birds, this vivacious teal wallpaper interacts harmoniously with a colour matched club chair.

Oversized leaves creatively cocoon a modern dining area. A centrepiece of decorative vases echo the leafy contours.

Ever dreamed of running away to join the circus? Drop into a dining room full of trapeze artists for an amazing daily show.

Wallpaper brings a whole world of art to home interiors. This African themed design transforms a plain wall into a vibrant symphony of shapes and colours.

Majestic cranes make a powerful image in a modern home office, a great one for high flying executives.

Build optical illusions. Panel moulding adds a mind-bending three-dimensional element to this architectural wallpaper print with botanical bursts. The wooden framework is mounted precisely over graphic counterparts and painted to correlate.

How is a wallpaper effect achieved in moist bathrooms and kitchens? Installing wallpaper in wet areas requires additional treatment. Coating with resin provides hardy protection, or you can choose large-format printed ceramic tiles to create an elevated finish. Team with a back-lit bathroom mirror for a complementary layer of warm illumination.

In this luxury bathroom, a uniform surface of printed stoneware smooths across a bathtub statement wall, without division into joints.

Printed ceramics open up a door to possibilities. This fabulous blue floral themed tile is atmospherically illuminated around its edges with ribbons of soft white LEDs.

To emphasise the originality of these statement “wallpaper” ceramics, apply a border of plain, uniform tiles for visual contrast.

Delicate grooves, created by the digital structuring Rocker technique, ridge the matte finish of the tile to achieve additional decorative effect. Shimmering veins, spots and lines can be created with the technology too.

Of course, wallpapers aren’t reserved solely for private home interiors. This spectacularly illustrated cityscape wallpaper brings life, humour, colour and character to a bijou restaurant setting. The hand-drawn city wallpaper design has been set inside of house-shaped alcoves to amplify the quaint theme. Assorted accent dining chairs draw out a plethora of colours from the cheerful wallcovering.