Wood and concrete weave an equilibrium of warmth and understated elegance in this architectural masterpiece, created by Montevideo Studio. With rigid lines and angular precision, this residence emerges as a testament to the art of horizontality. While its exterior single-story facade offers a modest introduction to the observer, the real drama unfolds within the generous footprint of the home. The linear interior takes form through three distinct zones, a meticulous spatial design that optimizes the climate and caters to the occupants' discerning needs. Nature and architectural design engage in a peaceful exchange, with the verdant landscape breaking the boundaries of the modern home and enriching the spatial experience.

A sloping topography gently separates the modern house from the main street, giving it a natural boundary of privacy from passers-by, as well as a wonderfully elevated viewpoint. A mask of wooden shutters shrouds the interior of the home from the outer environment, giving it an extra layer of secrecy and a filter from harsh sunlight.

As we move around the building, the front entryway subtly reveals itself at the top of the hill, set back under a shady, concrete overhang. An established modern landscape design of mature trees, shrubs, and grasses wraps the contemporary abode with a cheerful disposition. The natural greenery softly feathers the edges of the sharp, linear architecture, bedding it into the environment.

Distinct living zones are broken by a small courtyard, which creates added dimension and slots in a closer connection with the garden. Tropical plants thrive under a framed sky. LED ribbons are installed around the base of the concrete courtyard boundary to uplight the leaves when dusk settles.

An underground garage cuts sharply into the small hillside to store vehicles out of sight and in cool shade. The wide concrete cutaway builds a bold balance with the main house structure up top.

Flat concrete plates fix the horizontal limits of the house, coolly compressing a lasting expanse of wood-slatted shutters. The material contrast exaggerates the stretched horizontality of the home design.

Natural light from the north is embraced by the expansive gallery, while the southern side of the interior is protectively guarded by a solid concrete facade.

The huge concrete terrace and connected wooden deck create platforms for inviting outdoor living areas. The lower lawn with a stepping stone pathway presents an opportunity for nature exploration amongst the overhanging trees and lush borders.

The concrete veranda draws an extensive line through the landscape, making way for the homeowners to wander between living zones without venturing inside.

A firepit calls the residents out onto the large terrace in the evenings, encouraging social gatherings, merry conversation, and laughter long into the night.

The layout of interior and exterior living spaces has been meticulously planned to best take advantage of the climatic conditions of the area and to satisfy the daily desires of the homeowners.

The swimming pool adds an extra layer of functionality and fun to the modern home design. Its cool blue water paints a reflection of the cloudless sky.

Bright and colorful modern sun loungers assemble a cheerful energy across the swimming pool deck, bringing playful patterns and whimsy to the area.

Strategically placed skylights draw in natural light on the south side of the house, where walls are constructed in solid concrete.

Even the internal doors carry a wood-slatted cladding to quietly camouflage them with the perimeter.

Outside of the narrow hallway that leads to the bedrooms, a purposeful and enchanting living space unfolds.

The large living space incorporates a light-filled sitting area, a formal dining room, and a spacious kitchen. Floor-to-ceiling wooden kitchen cabinets and wood-clad walls create a cozy cocoon of natural texture and golden tone. Sliding glass doors welcome views of the surrounding gardens, transforming vegetation into a wraparound feature wall.

When the glass doors are retracted, the wooden window shutters may remain closed to shade the interior from the direct glare of the sun while still enjoying the benefits of the breeze. The slats make pretty shadow-play upon the wooden floor.

Concrete and wood make up a cohesive aesthetic across the large living space. The kitchen diner is linked to the terrace and pool, allowing food to be easily carried out and enjoyed al fresco.

Wooden doors draw back to reveal a well-equipped kitchen prep area. The gray expanse complements the bold concrete kitchen island.

The simplistic material palette of concrete, wood, and glass conjures an air of sobriety and warmth.

The horizontal functionality of the home and an unwavering unity of materials present a unique spatial experience. Flat, concrete slabs unreservedly link all interior and exterior living spaces. Glass and wood elements open up a visual fusion between indoor living and the outdoor experience.