When we think of loft living, it is easy to imagine slick concrete floors and dusty windows, stretching up to high vaulted ceilings. The general feel might be sunny but also dreary. Of course, modern loft living has brought a new vibrancy to this style. This loft, located in St. Petersburg Russia and designed by architect DA Architects, takes some of those sleek industrial elements and adds some creative lighting and fun colors that warm things up and take this loft from frigid warehouse to welcoming home.

The loft includes an open floor plan and exposed ductwork, both of which are quite common in this style of apartment. In this particular space, the ductwork has been painted white which prevents it from feeling quite so industrial. The gridwork of light fixtures on the ceiling is also a creative addition, echoed by the glass coffee tables below.

Another extremely creative element in this loft is the use of an industrial shipping container as a way to separate rooms in the otherwise open space. The bright red container creates an accent wall as well as a focal art piece in the center of the apartment.

In the bedroom, the platform bed is surrounding by soft rocks that are lit from underneath. The result is a truly calming bedroom atmosphere with soft lighting and natural, zen elements.

Rather than build up solid walls to provide privacy in the bedroom, the architect has used glass walls that actually change from transparent to opaque.