30 Crazy Cool Halloween Pumpkins


Halloween is almost here, and it is that time of the year when it is not unusual for people to hit up Google to find some whacky weird ideas for carving pumpkins. This time, we took a look around and have compiled a list of ones that could be of interest. As with any list post that we publish here, we are always welcome to suggestions and you may let us know in you comments if you find a design that you think needs to be featured in this list. Also we run a steady stream of cool posts like this at Home Designing and if you like to be notified when we have more such inspiring posts, please subscribe to our feed or newsletter! Now let's get started, shall we?

Some of the pumpkins out there are plain terrifying...


by Billy Hutch by Thinking Man by Brandi Tressler

Some are funny...

by Philip Hay by 21H by Carrie pumpkin

Some are cute...

by asp_tamer by Kevin by William

Some fall under fan art...

by Randy Cox by Kevin by Plankskate by Michael Cramer wall-e by Mark Ratliff superman-halloween-pumpkin by Robert Simmons

Some promote brands...


Here is one that even drives a campaign...

by David James

G33KY Pumpkins...


The Wink by Tom dalek pumpkin Dalek Pumpkin: Complete DIY tutorial here stock-ticker-pumpkin Here is a pumpkin that displays daily stock updates from Wall Street. Enough to send chills down the spine of any broker. [Via] lego-pumpkin Legos and geeks. Can they ever part? Here is the DIY if you need it. twitter-halloween-pumkin Twitter #fail, anyone? (Picture by Scott) Photographed by John Resig. In the words of Christopher Pickert the creator, "Since Halloween is the perfect time to celebrate the black arts of web development, I carved a special jQuery pumpkin last night. "

Additional User Contributions


Wordpress Pumpkin By Eric Martin

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